The Secrets to Inner Happiness and World Peace

GenI was very fortunate to hear an inspiring talk this weekend by Gen Kelsang Gomlam, a Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center in Madison, Wisconsin.

Gen Gomlam taught us that, according to Buddhist teachings, the secret to world peace is inner happiness, and the secret to inner happiness is a peaceful mind.

However you do not need to be Buddhist to believe this or to put his into action. Consider these truths…

A peaceful mind is a happy mind. It cannot produce stress. Therefore a peaceful mind will bring internal happiness.

A true source of something cannot also produce its’ opposite. For example, a light bulb is a true source of light. It cannot produce darkness. Therefore, a true source of happiness cannot also produce suffering.

External sources of happiness always produce some degree of suffering. More money produces the need to pay more taxes, a big house produces the need for more maintenance, love relationships always end (even true love is eventually parted by death). Therefore, external sources of happiness are not true sources of happiness.

Internal happiness will never produce suffering, therefore it is a true source of happiness. It will never diminish or go away, unless you let it. A peaceful mind comes when we stop seeking happiness outside of ourselves.

How do we achieve internal happiness? Through practicing meditation and through practicing unconditional love. Meditation creates a peaceful mind, free from external influences. When we have a peaceful mind, we are able to practice unconditional love (extending love, patience, kindness and generosity to others without expectation of a return). This, in turn, creates world peace.

All human beings want to be happy and free from pain. Therefore, peaceful, happy people will bring world peace by example. Others will follow their footsteps. And then others will follow theirs. A spider web of peace, happiness, and unconditional love will blanket the earth.

We have everything we need to develop internal happiness and world peace, right now. So, right now, let us begin liberating ourselves from suffering by seeking internal happiness. What a happy, peaceful world it will be!

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