Meditating on the things that you are thankful for is a life-changing experience. By noticing and focusing on the good things in your life, bad things don’t have as great an effect, and you end up with a much happier outlook on life. Focusing on what you do have, instead of what you don’t have, can help to elevate mood, increase optimism, alleviate depression, and cope with sadness.
Begin by lying down, or sitting in a position that you can hold comfortably for ten minutes. Close your eyes and begin noticing your breath. Feel the air as it enters and exits your nostrils, and feel your chest rise and fall with each breath. Notice the calming effect that quiet, focused breathing brings to your body and mind.
Now think of everything in your life that you are grateful for. You might start with the basics – food, clothing, and shelter. Then think about the family members, friends and pets you are grateful for. Give thanks for your life and your health (if you are facing any health challenges, focus on your areas of good health). Be grateful for the trees, flowers, birds, and all the wonders of nature.
Next you may want to take note of the freedoms, unique abilities and options you have that others in the world don’t. Think about he advantages you have been given in your life. Think about the allies and supporters who have helped you get to where you are. Let your mind continue to wander through all the positive, good things in your life
If you are going through a particularly difficult time in your life, it will be hard to find things to be grateful for. But those are the times when this exercise can help most of all. Start by focusing on simple, every day beauty – a butterfly that landed near you, a delicious salad that you made for lunch, the dog that licked your hand. Even though you may not feel grateful, still run through your mental list and notice the positive things you do have in your life. Eventually the feelings of gratitude will return.
According to Deepak Chopra, “When you are experiencing gratitude your ego moves out of the way. You cannot experience gratitude and ego at the same time.”