When our lives are busy, or when we are stressed or nervous, we can begin to feel scattered or “ungrounded”. Sometimes when we are focusing our attention on spiritual things, we may feel “out in space” or disconnected from our physical reality.
This “grounding” meditation strengthens our connection to the earth, so we are solidly anchored and nourished by the earth as we go about our day to day activities. Being aware of our solid connection to the earth allows us freedom to soar in our hearts and minds and spirits.
The Grounding Meditation
Lie down in a comfortable position. Begin to notice your breathing – breathing in and breathing out. As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in light. Imagine that this light is flowing in through the top of your head (your crown chakra), through your system, and out through the bottom of your feet.
And as you breathe out, imagine that you are breathing out anything that is not necessary at this time, just letting it go easily and gently. Imagine that it is being taken someplace where it can do good. Just continue to be aware that you are breathing in light and breathing out anything that is not useful at this time.
As you continue breathing in light and breathing out unnecessary things, imagine that there is an energy field that you are part of – an energy field around your body. This is your own energy field. And now imagine that you can open your energy field down by your feet. And as you open your energy field imagine that wonderful earth energy is rising up. Imagine that you can feel earth energy rising up through the bottom of your feet; up through your ankles and calves; earth energy rising up through your knees and thighs; up through your pelvic area; earth energy flowing up through your abdomen and lower back; rising up through your hands and arms; Imagine earth energy is flowing up through your chest and back; up through your shoulders and neck, chin, jaw, face; earth energy flowing up through your scalp.
This earth energy flows up and out the top of your head, and flows back down to the earth. You have a continuous flow of energy from the earth, flowing up through your body and up through all the layers and levels of energy around your body and then spilling over and flowing back down to the earth endlessly – an infinite flow of earth energy. And now continue to breathe gently and easily and continue to allow peaceful earth energy in through the bottom of your energy field, flowing up and over and flowing back down to the centre of the earth.
And now as you continue to allow earth energy to flow through you, imagine that there is a cord that goes down, extending down from the base of your spine and through the bottom of your feet. Imagine that you are following the path of this cord as it goes into the earth. Imagine this cord continuing to travel down through the soil, through layers and levels of rock, perhaps through underground rivers, through minerals and quartz, until the cord continues downward into the areas where the rock is beginning to be softer. Imagine that in the absolute molten centre of the earth, the core of the earth, that is where your cord is anchored. Know that this cord helps to keep you solidly anchored and connected to the earth.
And now imagine that this cord that goes down to the centre of the earth, is like the root of a plant with a big tap root centre that goes down to the centre of the earth. And then imagine that this root begins to spread out branches, so it is more and more solidly anchored and grounded in the earth. Imagine the cord is like the root of a plant spreading out, going further and further, moving its way perhaps through underground rivers, through all the layers and levels of the earth. So the cord branches out in all directions, downward, forward and backward, side to side and so you have roots that extend throughout the entire planet earth.
And now be aware that these roots flowing down from you into the earth, these wonderful roots not only keep you solidly connected and grounded in our earth, but they also, like the roots of the plant, bring in the nutrients and nourishment from the wonderful energy of planet earth.
And once again imagine this extensive root system – your root system – is grounding and connecting you to the earth. Your root system not only keeps you solid and anchored and secure and stable but this wonderful root system also allows you to bring in all the aspects of life-giving earth energy that keep you healthy and keep you nourished and keep you nurtured.
And once again see if you can feel the earth energy being absorbed by the extensive root system that you have into the earth. Feel the earth energy rising up through your feet and legs, rising up through your entire energy field, and this wonderful energy spilling out and overflowing and going back down to the center of the earth. Feel this wonderful space of being solidly grounded in the earth. Know that you are solidly grounded in the earth and you are nourished and supported by the earth.
Continue to appreciate this wonderful energy that flows from the earth. See if you can feel it moving through different parts of your body, moving through your emotional energy, moving through your mental energy, moving through your spirit. You are able to draw it in through this wonderful root system that you have – grounding and centering in the planet earth.
So just savor for a few moments, this place of perfect harmony, solidly grounded in the earth, open to receive the life-giving energy of planet earth, and open to receive infinite cosmic love.
In this solidly grounded state, be ready now to begin to come back into your regular consciousness. Know that as you go about your activities of this day or as you sleep, whatever is your next activity or your next state of being, know that you can do whatever you wish to do, you can be whatever you wish to be, you can go wherever you wish to go, because you are solidly grounded in the earth.
And whenever you are ready, continue to feel the flow of earth energy through your system and come back into your regular awareness. Again focusing on your breathing – breathing in and breathing out. Breathing in light, breathing out anything that is not useful right now. Continue to keep this awareness of how solidly grounded you are. And whenever you are ready, turn on your side for a few breaths before coming up to sitting, then standing.