We hold Reiki gatherings in our studio every other month. It’s a great way for practitioners and non-practitioners to meet each other, share Reiki with each other, and learn about other holistic health practices.
Our 2014 dates are:
- March 13
- May 8
- July 10
- September 11
- November 13
The share circle provides an opportunity to give and receive the healing gift of Reiki. We will also learn about holistic health subjects such as using a pendulum, developing intuition, Reiki for animals, the benefits of gratitude, Feng Shui, and more!
6:45-7:00 pm Arrivals and drumming
7:00-8:00 pm Opening prayer, setting of intentions, holistic health presentation
8:00-9:00 pm Reiki share circle
A $10 donation to support the circle is greatly appreciated.